Delegate bags (for virtual; not available)The delegate bag is always a popular “collectible” at conferences, and Sponsorship of the delegate bag provide the sponsor with an excellent Marketing opportunity during the conference week and extended exposure for years beyond. The sponsor will be recognized by the company logo next to the Conference logo on the front of the bag.. |
USD 50,000 |
Lanyards (for virtual; not available)The lanyard attached to registration bag is a highly visible item worn by every delegate throughout. The sponsor will have his logo on the cord. The colour of the Cord and logo placement will be agreed by the conference organizers, with approval of the sponsor. |
USD 45,000 |
Volunteers cap (for virtual; not available)The cap is a highly visible item worn by every volunteer throughout. The sponsor will have its logo on the front. The color of the cap and logo placement will be agreed by the conference organizers, with approval of the sponsor. |
USD 20,000 |
Positive Lounge (for virtual; not available) The Positive Lounge is designed as a place of rest, support and networking for HIV- positive conference delegates. The lounge provides an opportunity to meet and talk with other people living with HIV from across the globe in a relaxed and nurturing environment. Limited complimentary snacks, spaces for informal meetings and private facilities for taking medication are provided. By supporting the Lounge, the sponsor demonstrates its commitment to HIV-positive people by providing a better level of comfort to the delegates using it. The sponsor will get recognition in the conference publications (use of their logo and outreach materials) and on a sign at the entrance of the lounge. |
USD 45,000 |
Face Masks (for virtual; not available)The Face mask will feature in ICASA 2021 as part of COVID-19 safety protocols and sponsorship of the Face Masks will provide the sponsor with an excellent marketing opportunity during the conference week and, extended exposure beyond. The sponsor will be recognized by its company logo, next to the Conference logo branded on the face masks. |
USD 35,000 plus production and delivery costs |
Directional SignalThe sponsor will have its logo on all directional standing signs (floor supported), along with the conference logo. Possibility for the sponsor to include a QR code. |
USD 15,000 |
Internet Café with Internet Access (for virtual; not available)One internet café will be available in the conference Centre. Located either in the exhibition area or in another area with high delegate traffic, it will feature computers cost of internet access, as well as plug-ins for laptop connections. The Internet Café is much appreciated and highly visible, as most delegates without access to private offices invariably use it to access conference information or to check emails. The sponsor of the Internet Café will receive high-profile exposure through:
USD 30,000 |
Volunteers T-Shirt (for virtual; not available)feature of the conference. Around 500 volunteers will give their time during the conference. Highly visible, the Volunteers help in all areas of the conference (e.g., session rooms, media centre, Speaker centre, etc) and provide delegates with assistance throughout the conference (e.g., registration area, traffic flow, entrance control, general assistance, etc) The name and logo of the sponsor will be featured on volunteers’ t-shirts, ensuring a wide exposure for the sponsor. |
USD 25,000 |
Directional SignalThe sponsor will have its logo on all directional standing signs (floor supported), along with the conference logo. Possibility for the sponsor to include a QR code. |
USD 15,000 |
Juice Bar (for virtual; not available)The sponsor is given the opportunity to provide a Juice Bar in the exhibition area (exact location will be advised by the event management). Sponsorship of the Juice Bar will present a networking opportunity for the sponsor by providing participants with a healthy juice (restricted service times). Sponsor can provide logo imprinted on cups & napkins, table cloths or t-shirts, etc. – beverages will be provided. If ordered in time the Juice Bar can be built as part of the sponsor booth. |
USD 15,000 |
Espresso Bar (for virtual; not available)The sponsor is given the opportunity to provide an Espresso Bar in the exhibition area (area will be advised by event management). Sponsorship of the Espresso Bar will present an excellent networking opportunity for the sponsor by providing participants with espresso coffee (restricted service times). Sponsor can provide logo Imprinted on cups &napkins, table cloths or t-shirts, etc. - beverages will be provided if ordered in time, the Espresso Bar can be built as part of the sponsor booth. |
USD 15,000 |
Daily Conference News BulletinThe daily conference news bulletin will be posted on the homepage and media Centre pages of the website each distributed to delegates each morning in the convention Centre. This bulletin overview of each day’s plenary session, brief summaries of other special information about other major activities taking place at the conference. The sponsor receives a banner of the bottom of the front page of the bulletin, featuring the sponsor’s logo and the words “Official Sponsor of the ICASA 2021 News Bulletin’’. |
USD 5,000 |
ICASA 2021 offers various opportunities. In terms of conference exclusive items, please contact: WhatsApp No: +233(0)555179976
AdvertisementAd in the Pocket programme: The pocket programme is an indispensable “quick and easy” reference guide for all conference delegates and one of the printed publications at ICASA 2021. Provided to each delegate at registration, the pocket programme contains colour-coded Information regarding times and session halls for the numerous topics, together with a map of the conference Centre. It also includes information about services offered on a map of the conference Centre. It also includes information about services offered at the conference. |
Back cover USD 15,000 |
Ad in the Programme-at-a-Glance and General Information Guide (online publications)In another effort to make the conference greener, organizers have decided not to print the Conference Programme. As a consequence, delegates will be directed to the Programme-ata-Glance, which has been a very popular tool since its implementation. Extremely comprehensive, it includes information on oral and poster abstract presentations, skillsbuilding workshops, plenary sessions, satellite symposia, exhibitions and cultural activities. The programme-at-a-Glance is used by delegates continually before and during the week of the Conference, and stays live five years after the event. To increase its practicality PDF versions of the programme of each day will be available for download. The General information guide provides information on the host city and country, the venue and the conference in general, making these two publications the most essential of the conference. Ads will be compiled in alphabetical order. |
USD 10,000 |
Onsite Advertisement Opportunities(Banners, pillar wraps, etc.)(for virtual; not available)Price upon request, Depending on size and location The Convention Centre offers various opportunities for onsite advertising in the form of panels, banners, towers and many other products. Please contact: WhatsApp No: +233(0)555179976 |
Conference Venue MapThis item can help participants to find their way onsite. It will be given as conference material and the sponsor will have its Ad and logo at the back page. This will increase the visibility of the sponsor. |
USD 15,000 |
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